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The orthodontics praxis of Dr. Klinker is located in Hildesheim and stands out especially with its beautiful interior and modern workflows (the team is also super nice :)  

For the opening, we created an image film and additional advertising clips, which were then promoted on Instagram and Facebook. We immediately saw a significant increase in online traffic, so only a short time later we were already creating the next campaigns on individual topics such as the transparent dental trays. 

In total, the clips reached over 300,000 views in the region and the popularity was massively increased. 

Bildschirmfoto 2022-11-04 um 14.08.55.png
Dr. Theodor Klinker | Praxisinhaber

Die Ergebnisse sind nicht nur schön anzusehen, sondern auch extrem werbewirksam - wir konnten einen deutlichen Zuwachs an Patienten verzeichnen.


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